Corporate Fixed Deposits
Corporate fixed deposit is a deposit in company for a fixed rate of return over a fixed period of time.
The rate of interest is determined by the tenure of the deposit as well as other factors. NBFC’s,
Housing Finance & Manufacturing companies accept such deposits. Company fixed deposit is a good
option for investment as they provide higher rate of interest compared to bank deposits. They are a
good source of regular income by means of monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly interest incomes.
Key Benefits
- Higher rates of interest.
- Flexible tenure ranging from 1 year to 20 years.
- Senior citizen benefits available.
- Prematurity clause is available.
- Loan Facility Available.
- Nomination facility available.
- Regular interest incomes - Monthly, Quarterly, Half-yearly, or Yearly
Our offering
We Offer AAA+/AAA rated companies fixed deposits with a range of 1 year to 20
years and periodic interest payment options (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually,
Annually) and cumulative.